
At Parkwood Primary, DT provides children with a real-life context for learning; we want to allow children to aspire to be more through creating opportunities for them in the wider world. Through the DT curriculum, children should be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real-life purpose. As an inspiring and practical subject, we intend to prepare children to deal with an ever-changing technological world, encouraging them to become creative and resourceful problem solvers, working both independently and as members of a team. By researching past and present technologies, and applying knowledge learnt across other areas of the curriculum, children build their confidence, resilience, practical and analytical skills. Furthermore, they learn to overcome challenges and improve designs and products, all the while finding motivation and meaning for their learning. This, along with a strong focus on the importance of evaluation, allows children to adapt and improve their work, providing them with not only a sense of achievement but a strong foundation for the next step of their learning and a key skill for life. 



The curriculum of Design Technology at Parkwood ensures:  

  • A well thought out, whole school, yearly overview of the DT curriculum which allows for progression across year groups in all areas of DT (textiles, mechanisms, structures, food and electrical systems) 

  • Well planned and resourced projects providing children with a thematic, hands-on and enriching experience each term 

  • A range of skills being taught ensuring that children are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken  

  • Teachers are being given ownership and flexibility to plan for Design and Technology to meet the needs of their class; often teaching DT as a block of lessons to allow the time needed for the children to be critical, inventive and reflective on their work.  

  • Each project addresses the principles of designing, making, and evaluating and incorporates relevant technical knowledge and understanding in relevant contexts.  

  • Pupils are introduced to specific designers, chefs, nutritionists, etc. helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement and increase the cultural capital from which they can draw in the future 


At Parkwood, EYFS pupils explore DT in provision planned by the class teachers. Pupils explore a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities as set out in the ‘Development Matters’ framework. We ensure high standards of teaching and learning for KS1 and KS2 by implementing a curriculum called ‘Project on a Page’. Project on a Page ensures that DT makes a high-quality contribution to a broad and balanced curriculum, helping to raise standards in English and Maths. Pupils’ enjoyment of this subject is maximised through this scheme of work as it provides scope for teachers to adapt ideas to meet the children’s needs and interest through creative and motivating projects within a range of contexts; projects are specifically chosen to link in with our broader curriculum. As a school, we promote Design and Technology in the wider curriculum   through a weekly gardening session for each year group as well as offering an after-school Gardening club which is very popular. We have an allotment plot at school and each year group is responsible for their own patch, to grow and harvest food. At Parkwood, pupils gain a firm foundation of knowledge and skills to see them equipped to take on further learning in high school and beyond.